Building & Development

Building & Development in Loreburn

Building Bylaw 4-2014.pdf

Permit Application Process 

Step 1: Applicant should allow 2 – 3 months or more lead time prior to project start (digging the hole) to arrange for proper plans to be drawn up (i.e. architectural, structural and site plan) before applying for a building permit.  The lead time is dependent on the availability of the plan makers.  *Keep in mind that Council only meets once per month.

Step 2: Fill in Development Permit (as found on Village website or in office) in full and return to the Village Office.

Step 3: Village Administration submits the Development Permit to WaterWolf Planning Commission (the content is reviewed to ensure compliance with Village bylaws).

Step 4: Village Administration and/or WaterWolf will contact the applicant with their results.

Step 5: If approved, applicant may now apply for a Building Permit by filling in the appropriate Building Permit Application Forms (as found on Village website or in office) in full and return to Village Office.

Step 6: Village Administration submits the Building Permit Application and applicable Forms to the Building Inspector.  If approved, the fees must be paid before the permit will be issued.

Building Permits

What is a development permit and do I need one?

A Development Permit (Development Permit FORM A.pdf) is required PRIOR to any development.  It ensures that the development conforms to the Villages’ zoning bylaw.  There is no cost for a development permit.

When is a building permit required?

A Building Permit (Form A Building Permit.pdf) is required for:  new building construction, garages/carports, decks (not built on grade), mobile homes,  basement development in a dwelling, renovation, alteration or addition to an existing building, fireplaces, wood stoves and heaters, change or use or occupancy of a building.

Permits are NOT required for:  fences, driveways and parking lots, sidewalks, painting, decorating, laying carpet and general maintenance, replacement using the same materials and not affecting structural, electrical or mechanical systems.

Does the Village of Loreburn have a qualified building inspector(s)?

The Village of Loreburn has contracted the services of Municode Services.  They are based out of Warman, SK.

What is the cost of building permit?

The cost of a building permit varies depending on what you are building.  An accurate cost will be provided to you once your building permit is submitted.   Permit fees must be paid BEFORE a permit will be issued.

What if I am moving in a building, do I still require a permit?

Yes a permit is still required.  Also, a pre-move inspection is required to determine the structural integrity of the building.  You would contact the Village’s building inspector directly to request this.  It is recommended that this inspection be done PRIOR to the purchase of the building to ensure that you are purchasing a structurally sound building.

What is the Permit Approval Process?

  1. Apply for a development permit.
  2. After the development permit is approved, a building permit application is then taken out.  A Request for Services (with the Village) and the Building Permit Application must all be filled out.  This ensures that any required documentation is included with your permit application when you submit it.
  3. Once submitted to the Village Office, administration then forwards it to the building inspector.
  4. Once the information and plans have been reviewed by the building inspector, the inspector will return a copy of the reviewed plans to the Village administration and then notifies the applicant that the permit is formally approved, pending payment of the permit fee or not approved.

How do I know what supporting information the building inspector will need to approve my permit application?

The supporting information that will be required will depend on the type of construction that you will be doing.  We have information sheets (listed below) that are available at the Village Office & on the website:

When I submit my application for a permit, what needs to be included?

When submitting your application for a building permit, you will also need to include the following:

  1. A completed Building Permit Application
  2. A completed Request for Services (with Village Office) along with the supporting information including a site plan drawing.
  3. A complete set of construction drawings is also required.  Failure to submit the required information will delay the issuance of your building permit.

If I am demolishing a building, is a permit required for that?

Yes, a Permit to Demolish a Building (pdf) is required.  There is no fee for a demolition permit, however, a $1000.00 deposit is required.  Once the site is restored to satisfactory condition, the deposit will be returned as per Section 6 of the Village of Loreburn Building Bylaw #4/2014.

What is involved with a commercial building?

The process is the same for a commercial building.   Depending on the project, additional drawings may be required.

Who do I contact should I require any additional information or if I have any questions?

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Village of Loreburn Administration at 306-644-2097 or e-mail us at

You can also contact:
WaterWolf District Planning (development permit information) at 306-230-1097
or e-mail  at